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Seattle Sewer Tip


Know If You Have a Sewer Cleanout and Its Location

An obstructed sewer line is never a pleasant experience for the homeowner.  The job of clearing the obstruction can be made much easier if there is a “cleanout” installed on the sewer line.  A cleanout is a pipe with a removable lid that connects to the sewer line.  When the lid is opened the cleanout allows larger sewer clearing machinery to be used to clear a blocked sewer line and if it’s located outside, then the clearing work can also be done outside of your home.  If you have a cleanout or cleanouts, it’s important for you to know where they’re located.  If you don’t have a cleanout, you may want to have one installed.  Call the professionals at Beacon Plumbing if you need more information or have one of our technicians come to your home and give you a “no-surprises” fixed price.

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