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Gas Piping Gas Heat Gas Appliances Propane Pipe Install & Repair


homes and businesses use gas or propane as an efficient and affordable energy-source. For this, they need to get gas piping installed on their property. It is important to have the gas piping maintained in excellent condition at all times.

Beacon Plumbing offers comprehensive services to help you enjoy stress-free use of gas piping on your residential or commercial property. The wide range of gas piping services offered by us includes:

  • Gas piping inspections
  • Gas piping design and maintenance
  • Gas and propane pipe installation
  • Gas pipe repair

Call us today to meet any gas piping need you may have!



Gas Pipe Repair 24/7 Emergency Service


If your gas piping isn’t secure, serious problems can happen. Unsecured propane or gas piping pipe can leak and it must be fixed immediately with gas pipe repair. If you suspect problems with your gas piping, give our gas pipe repair specialists a call. Our gas pipe repair experts can perform gas tests to check for gas leaks.

If we find that the propane or gas piping is not safe and secure, we will carry out the necessary gas pipe repair. We provide gas pipe repair if your gas and propane piping is damaged due to

  • Natural wearing with old age
  • Poor design and careless propane pipe installation
  • Lack of gas piping maintenance

We consider our gas pipe repair services complete only after we make sure your gas piping is secure and works properly. Gas pipe repair needs can arise any time. We understand this and so, offer 24/7 emergency service for gas pipe repair.



Propane Pipe Installation


propane-pipe-installation-seattle-waPropane pipe installation is not a job to be trusted to a novice. We are the professionals you can trust to do your propane pipe installation work securely so that the gas piping poses no risk to you and does not need premature gas pipe repair. Safety of your family, employees and customers is a top priority when we take up your propane pipe installation job.

That is why we employ propane pipe installation technicians with in-depth knowledge and experience of the job to get your propane pipe installation done. Our technicians are proven experts at

  • Residential propane pipe installation
  • Commercial propane pipe installation
  • Installation of Earthquake valves
  • Installation of Ansul valves upon request for fire protection

When we handle your gas or propane pipe installation and gas pipe repair, you can relax and use your gas piping without any worry.

Beacon Plumbing, Heating & Mechanical is licensed, bonded and insured. When you have plumbing and heating problems, Stop Freakin…..Call Beacon!

Contact your Plumbing and Heating Experts.

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