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Is Your Bothell Home Electrical Panel Out-of-Date?


As we upgrade the electronics in our home, we should also upgrade the electrical service panels that supply power to these appliances and gadgets. Old panels can easily overload with the increased power demands of appliances today. A few telltale signs that you need an electrical panel upgrade in Bothell, WA include:

  • Flickering lights
  • Blown fuses
  • Insufficient access to outlets
  • Poor operation of appliances

An electrical panel upgrade will ensure your appliances run smoothly and efficiently, as well as keep your home and your family safe from fire and electrocution risks. When it comes to an electrical panel upgrade in Bothell, count on Beacon Plumbing to get the job done right the first time around.

What are the Benefits of a Circuit Breaker Panel?


A fuse panel in an older home should be replaced with a circuit breaker panel because of the many fire risks associated with fuses. Many insurance companies do not insure homes with a fuse panel and recommend a circuit breaker panel, instead. We help Bothell homeowners upgrade or replace circuit breaker panel in their homes. We also specialize in:

  • Wiring & panel replacement
  • Rewiring electrical panels
  • Surge protector panels
  • Knob to tube re-wiring
  • New circuits
  • Dedicated circuits
  • Hot tub circuits
  • Breaker boxes
  • Bathroom remodeling electrical service
  • Kitchen remodel wiring & repair

Why Call Us For an Electrical Panel Upgrade in Bothell?


If your lights dim or flicker when you plug in an appliance or if your circuit breaker panel trips regularly, you probably need an electrical panel upgrade in your Bothell home.

You may also need to upgrade your electrical service panel if you are planning to remodel your kitchen or add a room. Modern service panels will also allow you to add more circuits so you aren’t limited in the future.

An electrical panel upgrade in Bothell may also be necessary if:

  • Your home was built 20 or more years ago
  • Your panel has fuses instead of circuit breakers
  • Corrosion or rust is present on the panel
  • Panels do not conform to local electrical codes

When you are looking for residential electricians, we know you have many options to choose from. But when you choose us to upgrade your electrical service panels, you will enjoy peace of mind knowing your home electrical system is much safer and more reliable.

For your circuit breaker panel needs in Bothell, call Beacon Plumbing at 206-452-1932. We look forward to speaking with you.

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